Fried Squash Blossoms, mozzarella and anchovies

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8 large squash blossoms

4 ounces of fresh mozzarella cheese, cut into 8 strips (approximately 2 x 1 inch)

1 can of slices anchovies

1 cup of all purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1 large egg

1/2 cup beer or sparkling water

Olive or vegetable oil, for frying

Salt & pepper

Remove pistil from each blossom. Carefully stuff blossoms with each with one piece of mozzarella & one anchovy filet. Carefully twist the flower closed around cheese and fish. Over medium high heat, add 1/4 inch of oil to cast iron skillet. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and pepper. Beat egg. Gradually mix in dry ingredients, then whisk in water or beer until batter is smooth.

Dip blossoms into batter then place into skillet. Fry until golden, about 5 minutes, flipping occasionally. Place on paper towel lined plate and sprinkle with salt.

For garnish - lower heat to medium (oil approximately 275 or 300) and drop in dry basil leaves. Remove within 5 to 10 seconds onto paper towel to drain.